No Sleep Till... Iowa

One week until the Iowa Caucus, it appears to a battle for second place

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Good morning,

The first American lunar lander in more than half a century launched on Monday, but has already encountered a problem that may prevent it from reaching the moon.

Hours into the flight the unmanned spacecraft suffered a "critical" fuel loss possibly hindering its ability for the anticipated moon landing on Feb. 23.

  • The 202-foot-tall unmanned rocket lifted off at 2:18 a.m. ET from Florida.

  • It contained a lunar lander, dubbed Peregrine, which was tasked with collecting data for NASA, conducting some science experiments and leaving cremated human remains on the moon. NASA is leveraging private companies to do some recon ahead of returning astronauts to the moon in the coming years.

The company is “currently assessing what alternative mission profiles may be feasible at this time.”

🚀 We’ll be following what happens... to infinity and beyond.

Mosheh, Jill, & Lauren



There’s less than a week until the GOP Iowa Caucus next Monday night, and former President Donald Trump is the one to beat.

Trump is dominating polls with a 20-30 point lead in the state. It’s looking like a battle for second, with Ron DeSantis and Nikki Haley positioning themselves as the best Republican Trump alternative.

On the Democrat side, some of the biggest names in the party, like former President Obama, are warning President Biden about his campaign team’s lack of imagination and position in the race.

Donald Trump didn’t win the Iowa Caucuses back in 2016 (Remember Ted Cruz?). This time around Trump’s operation is more organized. For months, tens of thousands of people have come to his rallies in larger cities, packing events across the state.

Meanwhile, Haley and DeSantis are starting to attack Trump, but have mainly been going after each other. Here’s a commercial DeSantis has put $2 million behind in the state.

Businessman Vivek Ramaswamy has crossed every county in the state — twice — but is still struggling to overcome the rest of his opponents. Former New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie, meanwhile, isn’t even putting energy into Iowa, and is instead focusing on New Hampshire’s contest later this month (Jan 23).

While Iowa only makes up 1.6% of delegates at the Republican convention— and 49 more states will vote—it commands a lot of media attention because it goes first. A great result (or one that surpasses media & party expectations) can help a contender gain momentum or kill a campaign that doesn’t meet expectations.

Trump is polling over 60% nationally in the contest for the GOP nomination, leading by nearly 40+ points. The lead is historic for a primary without an incumbent president, and no candidate has rallied from such a deficit to win the nomination in the modern primary era, the Washington Post reports.

But, the challenges he faces around his name appearing on November’s ballot are more than political. A number of legal questions remain.

Trump is also facing 91 felony counts across four trials, including two separate indictments for alleged election subversion and one for withholding classified documents after leaving the White House. His immunity claims are also being questioned in courts.

Biden's failure to consolidate support in key parts of the coalition that elected him in 2020 has left him narrowly trailing Trump, 37%-34% in a general election contest. Independent Robert F. Kennedy Jr gets 10% of the vote.

It’s unclear if Biden took Obama’s advice, but he effectively launched his general election campaign for the year last Friday. And the speech focused on Trump.

  • Biden framed the coming election as a choice between a candidate devoted to upholding American ideals and Trump—a chaos agent willing to discard them for his personal benefit.

    • “Donald Trump’s campaign is obsessed with the past, not the future. He’s willing to sacrifice our democracy, put himself in power,” he said.

Biden is effectively guaranteed to win the democratic nomination, but Democratic primary voters will have two other main contenders to choose from: self-help author Marianne Williamson and Rep. Dean Phillips (D-Minnesota).

✔︎ Mo News Reality Check: Iowa is not a great predictor of the eventual Republican victor. The last GOP presidential candidate to win Iowa and get the party’s nomination was George W. Bush in 2000 — and he was the first Republican to win it and the presidency since 1980.

But, the presidential primary process is a momentum game, which means that whomever wins next week is going to get more exposure that could help them win in New Hampshire a few days later.

Politico’s Steve Shepard pointed out that in the last two Republican caucuses, the candidate leading in the polls a week out didn’t win. In 2016, Trump led Ted Cruz a week before the caucuses by 6 points. In 2012, former Sen. Rick Santorum was polling sixth place a week before the caucuses, but quickly accelerated to the top spot. At the same time, Trump currently has the greatest polling lead in Iowa Caucus history. Still, Haley or DeSantis cutting significantly into that lead for a close-ish second could be a game-changer when we all wake up a week from today.





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Via: AP

  • 1493: Christopher Columbus mistakes three manatees for mermaids. He writes in his journal that they were ugly and described the mermaids as “not half as beautiful as they are painted.”

  • 1951: The United Nations headquarters in New York officially opened.

  • 1981: Phil Collins releases ‘In the Air Tonight’

  • 2001: Apple introduces iTunes. The iPod would debut later that year, revolutionizing digital music.

  • 2007: Apple’s Steve Jobs introduces the iPhone for the first time.


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