State of America's Obesity Epidemic

Also, Colorado Supreme Court Rules Trump Is Ineligible For Ballot

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Good morning,

Colorado’s top court ruled late Tuesday that former President Donald Trump is disqualified from the state’s primary ballot because he engaged in insurrection leading up to the Jan 6 storming of the US Capitol.

It is an explosive decision that creates legal uncertainty around next year’s election. The matter is now being appealed to the US Supreme Court.

The Colorado Supreme Court decision found that Section 3 of the 14th Amendment — which disqualifies those who engage in insurrection against the Constitution after taking an oath to support it — applies to Trump. The Trump campaign called the ruling unconstitutional and “un-American.”

It comes as several other states have been considering similar lawsuits trying to boot Trump from the ballot based on the 14th amendment.

Buckle up. We still have another 10 months until election day 2024-

Mosheh, Jill, & Lauren



A snapshot of Americans’ physical health shows a steady decline since the start of the pandemic. U.S. obesity and diabetes rates are at alarming levels: with 38.4% of adults classified as obese and 13.6% diagnosed with diabetes. According to new research from Gallup, part of the problem is that Americans’ eating habits have eroded substantially since 2019.

United States compared to other counties from 2019. Via: Commonwealth Fund

While America is not the most obese county in the world, it is the most obese high-income nation. And both eating and exercise habits influence the probability of being obese or being diagnosed with diabetes.

Here is a snapshot of adult Americans:

  • The percentage of adults who report eating healthy the prior day has dropped 5.0 points since 2019, from 51.7% to 46.7%.

    • Some of the biggest declines are those aged 30 to 44 (down 9.2 points).

  • Fruit and veggies consumption dropped: 42.0% of respondents had at least five servings of fruits and vegetables on at least four days in the prior week, down from 49.9% in 2019.

  • Exercise habits remained unchanged since before the pandemic.

High blood pressure was unchanged, but high cholesterol was up. Other more subjective measures — such as feeling active and productive every day, and feeling good about your own physical appearance — are all down significantly.

Obesity by state. Via: CDC

Many pediatricians say they are seeing children with obesity-related health problems that used to be associated more with adults, like Type 2 diabetes, heart disease and high blood pressure.

BOTTOM LINE: Doctors and health professionals have started to take obesity in children more seriously, pushing for interventions as opposed to just screenings. One doctor tells CNN: “The feeling initially was that children would grow out of it, and that has been demonstrated to be false.





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  • 1860: Following Abraham Lincoln's election as president, South Carolina became the first U.S. state to secede from the Union.

  • 1946: Frank Capra's It's a Wonderful Life, a drama starring Jimmy Stewart, premiered.

  • 1957: While spending the Christmas holidays at Graceland, his newly purchased Tennessee mansion, rock-and-roll star Elvis Presley receives his draft notice for the U.S. Army.

  • 1991: ‘Father of the Bride’ starring Steve Martin and Diane Keaton premieres in theaters.

  • 2019: Trump signs the National Defense Authorization Act, which established the Space Force, the newest branch of the U.S. military.


Breaking Down Supreme Court Options After Colorado Trump Ban


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