US Strikes Back Against Houthis, Iran After Dozens of Attacks

Also, South Africa accuses Israel of genocide at The Hague; Israel calls it the height of hypocrisy

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Good morning,

A major escalation in the Middle East: On Thursday night, the U.S. and allies carried out military strikes against more than a dozen targets in Houthi-controlled areas of Yemen.

President Biden said the attack against the Iran-backed terror group, which was supported by the UK, Australia, Bahrain, Canada, and the Netherlands, targeted areas used by Houthi rebels to "endanger freedom of navigation in one of the world’s most vital waterways.”

It was a response to nearly 30 drone and missile strikes by Houthi militants in recent weeks on commercial ships in the Red Sea, forcing shipping companies to find longer, more costly routes to deliver goods. The price of shipping a container from China to Europe is up 400%. The White House has been avoiding a major military response due to worries about starting a regional war with Iran.

Earlier this week, the US gave a final ultimatum to the Houthis to stop the attacks or suffer “consequences.” But, on Tuesday the Houthis launched their biggest barrage of drone and missile strikes yet, which officials tell the NY Times was “the last straw.”

The Houthis have vowed to respond, as the Iranians moved a spy ship out of the area. We’ll have 24/7 coverage on our Instagram page.

Mosheh, Jill, & Lauren



It’s Day 2 at the International Court of Justice, or ICJ, where South Africa is accusing Israel of carrying out genocide against Palestinian civilians in Gaza. Today is Israel’s turn to defend itself.

  • The ICJ at The Hague in the Netherlands is the highest UN legal body that can rule on issues between member states.

  • 💻 You can watch arguments here.

South Africa has accused Israel of carrying out genocide against Palestinian civilians in Gaza. It is demanding the court order an emergency ceasefire in Gaza—even though the court has no ability to enforce its rulings.

In a little over three hours of arguments, South African lawyers made the following arguments:

  • Civilian Death Toll — lawyers said that Israel has been focused on “the destruction of the population” of Gaza and intentionally murdering civilians.

  • Forced displacement of 85% in Gaza’s population.

  • Widespread destruction of civilian infrastructure that will take years to rebuild.

  • Limits on humanitarian aid going into Gaza.

South African lawyers used Tiktok videos of soldiers saying outrageous things about Palestinians as well as statements made by some Israeli leaders to try to argue that Israel has intent to commit genocide.

  • They include incendiary comments from the Israeli PM and Defense Minister, as well as some of the right-wing members of parliament, who have said there are no innocent people in Gaza and references to Hamas as “human animals.” The South African representative called Israeli leaders “genocidal inciters.”

Today is the second and final day of arguments, in which Israel will get its chance to defend itself. Israel vehemently denies the allegations and calls South Africa the “legal arm of Hamas.

  • Israel says it is defending itself after the terror group’s Oct. 7 massacre of 1,200 people—the deadliest attack on Jews since the Holocaust.

  • Today, again, we saw an upside-down world, in which the State of Israel is accused of genocide at a time when it is fighting genocide,” Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu said, previously noting that Hamas calls for the death of all Jews in its founding charter.

  • Israel said that it is targeting Hamas and has tried to minimize civilian casualties by evacuating them to areas away from the major fighting.

    • Israel says about 10,000 of those killed in Gaza are Hamas terrorists or members of other militant groups. That would mean that just over one civilian has died for every combatant killed. (That is a lower civilian death toll percentage than a number of modern wars—including the recent US war in Iraq.)

      • Israel adds that South African lawyers are ignoring the fact that Hamas uses civilians in Gaza as human shields by using schools, residences and mosques to launch attacks.

      • Critics also note that South Africa, which has not condemned Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, is engaged in hypocrisy in this case. The government has a close relationship with Hamas, Iran, the genocidal leaders of the Janjaweed militias committing genocide in Sudan, and is utilizing the Palestinian issue to boost their popularity internally as a distraction from domestic problems.

  • While Arab and Islamic nations, along with Colombia and Brazil, support South Africa, the US and some European nations have expressed support for Israel in the case.

The 15 permanent ICJ justices hearing arguments. Via: Al Jazeera

The ICJ has 15 judges appointed for nine-year terms. Two ad hoc judges from Israel and South Africa will also join for this specific case.

  • The court’s rulings are binding and “cannot be appealed by member states.”

  • The ICJ is separate from the International Criminal Court (ICC), which tries individuals in criminal cases.

It has been historically defined as the attempt to exterminate, in whole or in part, a group based on characteristics like race, religion and nationality.

Genocide has historically been difficult to prove in international courts largely because of the vagueness of the definition, the lack of a threshold for determining what constitutes the act (vs war) and how to prove intent.

After the oral arguments, the judges deliberate and then the ICJ delivers its verdict. It could take weeks or several years.

Follow the Mo News’ Instagram for up-to-date coverage of Israel’s arguments today.





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